When Do I Start Acquiring Points?
Any non-bridal purchase made from November 1, 2013 on is counted towards your loyalty points balance.
How are points accrued
Points are accrued automatically at the time of a purchase. Points do not accrue on special orders or layaways until the item is paid in full. Bridal related purchases are not eligible for the loyalty points program.
How Can I Check My Points Balance?
We send out a quarterly point balance email but you can always call or email us.
Can I Use My Loyalty Points Online?
Currently we are not able to apply them to your online shopping cart but we will still honor them. Simply make the purchase and in the comments section, note the loyalty value you would like redeemed and upon verification, that amount will be refunded to you.
When Do My Loyalty Points Expire?
Your Von Bargenās Loyalty Points do not expire and can be applied to any non-bridal purchases.
Can I Use My Loyalty Points Towards Services?
Yes. Loyalty points can be applied to any of our jeweler services.
Can I Apply My Points to a Previous Purchase?
No, loyalty points are applicable on future purchases only.